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Store of Value


Store of Value (SOV), which is used interchangeably with VodaPay Wallet, is a digital wallet that offers a simple and convienient way to manage money on the VodaPay App. VodaPay wallets differ from standard bank cards in the sense that they are digital and can be used to transact on the VodaPay App even if a customer does not have a bank card.

There are four variations of wallets:

  • Standard
  • Lite
  • Essential
  • Pro

Each wallet type has varying limits

Transaction limits

Transaction LimitsLite walletEssential walletPro wallet
Maximum monthly cash receivedR15 000R20 000Unlimited
Maximum monthly withdrawalsR15 000R20 000Unlimited
Maximum amount allowed in the walletR20 000R25 000R100 000
Maximum daily cash withdrawalR3 000R5 000R20 000
Maximum daily send/ domestic remittance amountR5 000R10 000Unlimited


Product featureLite walletEssential walletPro wallet
Value Added Services purchases and payments (airtime, bundles, pre-paid water and electricity, bill payments, pay for traffic fines)YesYesYes
In App purchases (mini-app payments)YesYesYes
Withdraw cashYesYesYes
Cash-in through EFTYesYesYes
Send money to another Wallet userYesYesYes
Receive money from another Wallet userYesYesYes


VodaPay Enhanced Wallet - Fee Schedule 2021
All fees are inclusive of VAT
Monthly FeesFees
Monthly Administration FeeFree
Monthly Service FeesFree
Receive money from VodaPay Wallet usersFree
Cash-Out & Purchases
Send money to other VodaPay wallet usersFree
Bill PaymentsFree
Buy airtime and bundlesFree
Buy prepaid waterFree
Buy prepaid electricityFree
Pay at shops and merchantsFree
Mini-App paymentsFree
Pay traffic finesFree
Cash-out to bank accountR14,00 per R1, 000
All notifications (In-App, SMS, Email, Push notifications)Free

For more details you can visit the enhanced wallet T's & C's

SOV transactions

SOV transactions are displayed on the Terminal Transaction screen on the Merchant Portal, the system will identify the payment method as being Store of Value. SOV transactions can also be identified by their PAN number, all SOV PAN numbers start with 0027. Settlements are made available daily by mean sof Recon Files. SOV settlements follow the same settlement times as card payments.


Once the transaction is successful on the Merchant Portal or Recon/Settlement files it is adviced that the goods and/or sevices be provisioned.

Note: The Merchant portal is a visualization of the Recon/Settlement files